Namespace Icybee\Modules\Users
Namespaces summary
Icybee\Modules\Users\ManageBlock |
Icybee\Modules\Users\NonceLogin |
Icybee\Modules\Users\Roles |
Classes summary
ActivateOperation | Enables a user account. |
AvailableSitesBlock | An HTML element. |
ConfigBlock | A block to config users. |
ConfigOperation | Save the configuration of the module. |
DeactivateOperation | Disables a user account. |
DeleteBlock | A block to delete a record. |
DeleteOperation | Deletes a user. |
EditBlock | A block to edit users. |
Hooks | |
IsUniqueOperation | Checks whether the specified email or username is unique, as in _not already used_. |
LoginComboElement | An HTML element. |
LoginForm | A <FORM> element. |
LoginOperation | |
LogoutOperation | Log the user out of the system. |
ManageBlock | An element to manage the records of a module. |
Model | This is the super class for all models using the _constructor_ model (currently
"nodes" and "users"). It provides support for the constructor
property whether it is for saving records or filtering them through the
own scope. |
Module | Extends the Module class with the following features: |
OwnershipResolver | |
PermissionResolver | |
ProfileController | Returns a decorated block. |
QueryOperationOperation | Queries a module about an operation. |
SaveOperation | Create or update a user profile. |
UnlockLoginOperation | Unlocks login locked after multiple failed login attempts. |
Update20131021 | - Alter the column password_hash to suit the requirements of the
Password API. - Rename the column created as
created_at . |
User | A user. |
ViewProvider | Provides data for a view. |
Interfaces summary
OwnershipResolverInterface | |
PermissionResolverInterface |
Traits summary
LoggedAtProperty | Implements thelogged_at property. |
Exceptions summary
WebsiteAdminNotAccessible | Exception thrown when a guest or a member tries to access the admin interface. |